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Paid for subscription extension and lost extension after 2 days


New member
Hi, I paid for a subscription extension to this and another site on subyshare on Aug 17 via crypto. The funds were transferred from my wallet and I saw the subscription date change later that day. But, earlier today I saw that I lost the subscription extension I paid for both sites and the funds are still gone from my wallet. I have created a help ticket on subyshare as well. Please help!
For now I can approve you on here until august 24th. Not sure what the 20$ are for. There is 3 possibilities : you have 20$ to use on shop when it opens because you were one of the first 100 subs to this site OR you have some kind of subsyhare "credits" to spend to actually "validate" your extension. 3rd possibility if there's a bug mixing up our site and the other one. Will look for info about that.
Okay, I cleared my cookies for subyshare and renewed again using the link from the subscription date message on the forum. I hope this works otherwise I might have to just wait until this subscription ends and then open a new account to subscribe on, cuz it doesn't seem like subyshare makes it easy to manage multiple subscriptions right now.
Ok good. Looks like you have 6 months sub in total for us (not from now, but from the day of your first subsciption). So it ends in 24 January 2025.
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What I see currently is you bought 1 month in July, then 5 more months today. I have modified your account to reflect that. About the 2 additional month you say you bought, maybe I don't see it yet. Are you sure your money was taken for these 2 more months ? If so I will ask subyshare what's up with that.
I am not sure. In total my funds have already been deducted for 2 months. The other times I tried to renew through different methods no funds were deducted yet so I didn't think those went through. So I don't know what's going on their side right now...
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